Development Logs

So to try and get my butt in gear to work on my projects that have been painfully in limbo for YEARS I'm gonna make my progress on them available for all to see so my brain can actively be called out whenever I come on here.

Click the names of what you want to view!

🌟 Star Studded Letter

📌 To-Do List:

Everything. Its everything. That's not a good description but there's so much I'm gonna have to go through everything and catalogue it later because i'm basically redoing this one from the start up. Its so many sprites. and backgrounds. and special scenes. and dialogue. send help.

✏️ Dev Log:

Haven't worked on this beast recently.

🔦 Your Dog is in the Woods

📌 To-Do List:

Graphics: Woods Bg x3, Path Specific Artworks (need to count), Thumbnail Art, Ending Artworks.
Writing: Dead End Paths (2/4), Gun Path Endings (1/3), Weaponless Path Endings: (0/2)
Sound???: Find good free to use snow/woods sfx and/or background music if I can.

✏️ Dev Log:

2/15/2023: Finished Gun Path ending 1 and outlined gun path endings 2-3 and dead end paths 3-4


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